He also teaches a method of memory training that is known as the peg list. In Harry Lorayne’s memory books he teaches the idea that whatever you want to remember you should imagine it as a silly picture because the mind remembers pictures than it does random words. Here is the show I saw that changed my life (the demonstration is about 5 minutes in) Little did I know not even a decade later I would be copying this demonstration and using it as the cornerstone of my memory training keynote and ultimately my career as a memory expert. I was mesmerized!!! This demonstration changed my life. In the late 1980’s I saw him on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson memorizing the names of audience members. In the above interview Harry tells many stories about his life and talks about his friendships and where memory training took him.
#Harry lorayne memory book peg words professional
His card magic, especially his innovations in card sleights, is widely emulated by amateur and professional magicians. Harry Lorayne (born May 4 1926) is an American magician and a memory-training specialist and writer who was called “The Yoda of Memory Training” and “The World’s Foremost Memory-Training Specialist” by Time magazine. His memory demonstrations are legendary as are his books. He is without question the greatest memory expert of the 20th century.

It was an honor to interview Harry Lorayne and here is our interview: It is a New York Times best selling book. His book ‘The Memory Book’ with Jerry Lucas is the best selling memory training book perhaps of all time. He is a man who was on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson 24 times, the Jack Parr Show and dominated the 20th century for memory experts. Harry Lorayne was referred to by Time Magazine as the ‘Yoda of Memory Training’. Harry Lorayne, The Yoda of Memory Training